✦ HKDP17 攤位申請 Booth Application ✦

✦ 活動大抽奬 ✦

◆ DOLLISM PLUS 17 活動大抽奬 ◆
Every admission ticket purchase automatically enters you into the grand draw on the event day.
Exciting prizes await, generously provided by our Sponsoring Exhibitors.
Don’t miss out on this doll-tastic opportunity!
Here is the list of the Sponsoring Exhibitors and the prizes:
Lati Salon de Lati Sports ver. Jenny (Yellow) Tan skin
Azone 1/12 SugarCups doll (Biscuitina)
1/6 doll Ruchiru (Baby Blue)
1/6 doll Ruchiru (Cherry Red)
Obitsu 1/6 Obitsu Uniform Project: Eiri Uemura
1/6 Obitsu Uniform Project: Miya Okumura
LSJ Doll Ari-L Doll
TTYA TTYA Doll (USD size, normal skin, makeup included)
Withdoll Withdoll BJD doll
DearMine Danna H (Dear Child 26 cm YOSD, mark up, eyes and box)
Cocoriang Cocoriang BJD doll
Hannasu 精美娃娃假髮 Doll Wig
Dollyhouse Peach 1/6 Nine9style 27cm Pio (basic) with Sailor Dress
RubyRedGalleria 6.5" Little Sophie Doll
DollHearts 20週年紀念版娃衣 20th Anniversary Outfit Set
龍魂人形社 70系尺寸裸娃一個
Enchanted Doll Eye Premium Doll Eyes
ADVillage 待定 to be determined
藍月的娃娃屋 待定 to be determined
** 奬品由各大贊助參展商提供,禮品一經送出,不得退換**
** 奬品以活動當日所提供的實物為準,名單如有任何更改,恕不另行通知**
** 活動受條款及細則約束**
**Prizes are provided by the Sponsoring Exhibitors. No return or exchange is accepted once distributed.**
**The specific prizes are subject to the actual items available on the event day. Please note that the list may change without prior notice.**
**Participation is subject to the specific terms and conditions.**
1. 憑活動入場券即可參加抽奬,抽奬號碼印於入場券上。
2. 截止參加及抽奬時間: 第一節抽奬於2024年7月14日下午 2:00 進行 (截止時間為當日下午 1:45); 第二節抽奬於2024年7月14日下午 5:00 進行 (截止時間為當日下午 4:45)。
3. 中奬者必須於宣佈得奬號碼後一分鐘內示意及到達頒奬檯領奬。如一分鐘內未有人示意中奬,大會將取消該中奬號碼,並從新進行抽奬。
4. 如第一輪抽奬未有獲奬之人士,即可自動參加第二輪抽奬。
5. 是次抽奬活動的結果將於2024年7月22日刊登於星島日報及英文虎報內。
6. 如有任何爭議,大會保留最終之決定權。
Terms and Conditions:
1. You can participate in the lucky draw with your event ticket, and the lucky draw number is printed on the ticket.
2. Deadline for participation and drawing: The first drawing will be held at 2:00 pm on July 14, 2024. Cut-off time for ticket collection is 1:45 pm; the second drawing will be held at 5:00 pm on July 14, 2024. Cut off time for ticket collection is 4:45 pm.
3. The lucky draw winner must show up at the stage within 1 minute after the announcement of the winning number. If no one reaches the stage within one minute, the winning number will be cancelled and a new lucky draw ticket will be drawn to replace it.
4. In the event that a participant is not selected as a winner in the first round of the drawing, they will automatically be entered into the second round of the drawing.
5. The results of this lucky draw will be published in Sing Tao Daily and The Standard on July 22, 2024.
6. In case of any disputes, the organizer reserves the right to make the final decision.
[Trade Promotion Competition Licence No.: 58707]