報攤更新 Application UpdateApr 29, 2024[報攤更新]7月活動的申請結果已透過電郵發送給各位申請者。 未收到通知的,敬請與我們聯絡。[Application Update]Application results for our July event have been conveyed to all applicants through email. Kindly reach out to us if you haven't received a notification yet.Dollism Plus Hong Kong
[報攤更新]7月活動的申請結果已透過電郵發送給各位申請者。 未收到通知的,敬請與我們聯絡。[Application Update]Application results for our July event have been conveyed to all applicants through email. Kindly reach out to us if you haven't received a notification yet.Dollism Plus Hong Kong